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What You Need To Know About Property Management Fees in Adelaide

Having a reliable and knowledgeable property manager can make a big difference...

Landlords will find that engaging a reliable and knowledgeable property manager can make a difference to how efficiently their investment properties and tenancies are managed.

Of course that comes at a cost, with the question commonly asked: how much does a property manager cost per month?

The cost of a property manager in Adelaide is a tax-deductible expense, and can certainly save landlords significant time, money and stress by ensuring their properties and tenancies are managed effectively.

Understanding Property Management Fees in Adelaide

Adelaide property management companies such as the experienced property management team at Boffo Real Estate charge landlords a fee for their service. The fee covers a wide range of property management services such as managing the entire tenant onboarding process (from advertising to reference checking and lease preparation) to conducting regular property inspections, ongoing tenant/landlord liaison/negotiation, property care and maintenance, rent collection, bond lodgement, market-based rent reviews and tenant exiting processes.

Property management fees in Adelaide will vary from agency to agency, but a property manager in Adelaide will usually fix their fees in one of three ways:

  1. Rent percentage: property management fees across Adelaide are typically charged at between 5% and 10% of the monthly rent. Landlords with multiple properties are sometimes offered discounts.
  2. Fixed monthly fee: a fixed monthly property management fee can be attractive to landlords with high-end properties bringing a high rental income.
  3. Hybrid fee: sometimes a combination of a fixed fee and a percentage of rent is charged.

Comparing Property Management Fees Adelaide

The property management fees Adelaide agencies charge can be influenced by several factors, such as:

  • Whether it is a residential, commercial or industrial property, with commercial and industrial properties attracting higher fees.
  • The location of the property may influence the property management fees charged, with the potential for higher fees in prime real estate locations and lower fees in locations such as regional areas.
  • Services provided: when comparing property management fees Adelaide wide, you may find a difference in fees but also a difference in services provided.

We recommend comparing Adelaide property management companies based on the specific services provided and the quality of that service, the property management fees charged, the company's reputation, and their client references.

Our property managers in Adelaide have a long history of providing an excellent property management service that benefits both landlords and tenants alike. When comparing specialists in property management Adelaide wide, we suggest you seek a property manager in Adelaide who has:

  • Excellent communication skills
  • A focus on maximised rental returns
  • Exceptional stakeholder management strategies
  • Can attract high quality tenants
  • Demonstrates high tenant retention rates
  • Exceptional liaison and negotiation skills
  • Detailed knowledge of rental property legislative requirements
  • A network of excellent tradespersons and maintenance organisations
  • A thorough and attentive approach to property management and client liaison

Weighing Up Your Options As A Landlord

In choosing to manage your investment property yourself, you are committing to the time and effort required to be:

  • Fully available to tenant requirements.
  • Skilled at tenant selection processes.
  • Continually informed and updated on changing legislative requirements.
  • Constantly up to date on market rental rates.
  • Regularly available for property inspections.
  • Responsive to maintenance and repair issues.

Consider the value a property manager in Adelaide offers, and the potential to save both time and money with the resources, knowledge and expertise they provide.

If you'd like to talk to our property managers in Adelaide about property management fees, we would love to have a chat! Our highly experienced team are always available to answer your questions and demonstrate how ours is the best property management service in Adelaide.